Tre Brothers of Valhalla

Tre Brothers of Valhalla

We live in a place called Midgard, the land of Man, who the world was created by three brothers, Odin, Vili and Ve by slaying the primordial being known as Ymir (Aurgelmir). They rolled his body in the void known as Ginnungagap and began creating Midgard. Ymirs flesh became the land, his blood the oceans, his bones the mountains, his teeth the cliffs, his hair the trees, his brains the clouds. Ymirs skull was then hung up by four dwarfs Nordri, Sudri, Austri and Vestri which became the dome of the heavens, the sun, moon and stars. Odin told his brothers that he saw the future souls of the loyal warriors known as vikings and the Gargantuan Viking Men charge at the enemy dedicating every kill of their enemies to them as a token of a way to enter Valhalla. He described their creation and loyal warriors of Valhalla with long coats of mail and great axes as big as men. Odin continued to tell his two brothers of the vision he had of their warrior race of humans that they had created and he told of their great feats and accomplishments, He said the vikings cut through the enemy lines, decapitating heads, breaking shields to splinters, making the enemy flee in panic. The enemies retreated and ran towards the hills. The vikings couldn’t hope to catch the fast and nimble Saxon warriors, but through Odin’s and his two brothers divine power, they ran through the breaking ranks, cutting the remains to pieces, they let out a victorious war cry as they look on at the 10 thousand dead bodies of the Saxon men they have just slain with only 40 men albeit madmen. As one of their brethren was slain by the Saxon warrior, the vikings watched as their brethren soul was guided up by the beautiful and equally ferocious Valkyries, where he will face the trials put forth by the Supreme All Father Odin and his two brothers
Vili and Ve. Vili and Ve smiled when Odin finished telling them about his vision about how glorious their creation will become and how strong they will be. Vili looked at Ve and then back at Odin and he said, “Brother, we both have had the same dream as you. An that’s why you have our blessing to rule over humanity while we rule in the in the secret heavenly realm above yours called Valhalla while you rule Midgard and the nine realms from Asgard. Father was right, when he said I would choose a worthy successor to rule over our creation and I choose you. Your wisdom and foresight is a gift and you’re the chosen one and I know you will make us proud. Ve says, “We believe in you Odin.” Odin was speechless and then he laughed while taking a shot of his alcohol he made from his magic while smiling and said, “I should of known you two tricksters knew something all along, but I accept your blessings my brothers. Now take a shot of this alcohol I called Whiskey while we make our warrior race known as the Vikings. I hope they’ll love this Whiskey.” Vili and Ve look at each other as they laughed at Odin while they started drinking their whiskey, while they created their powerful, and glorious race known as the Vikings. An that’s how the Vikings became a powerful race of warriors known for their high consumption levels of alcohol to honor Odin and his brothers as they make their way to the heavenly realms known as Asgard and Valhalla.