Hive Full of Lies- The Liar (Redhawk Fantasy Story)

Hive Full of Lies- The Liar (Redhawk Fantasy Story)

There are three kinds of lie. First kind are the ones that you tell the others: ”I trust you.” No. You don’t trust them. Not completely. You want the other person to trust you. So, to gain it, you are telling them you are ”TRUSTING” them. Which is a lie because you can never COMPLETELY trust anyone. thats why secrets are exist in the first place. ”I can make you happy.” Nope. You are just want to create some kind of bound with the person. But under it, you’re actually scared from the thought of losing them. Its just a desperate lie. Like the rope you wanna grab when you are falling. SECOND kind are the ones that you tell to YOURSELF: ”I would DIE for you.” Not for them. You would die for yourself because you couldn’t handle the feeling that scares you most. You would die to evade that feeling. Or situation. ”It wasn’t my fault.” Just another one to reassure yourself that you are not the guilty one. You wanted to make things right but like always, somebody screwed things over. You were innocent. At least thats what you wanna believe. To evade the feelings. Sadness, anger, guilt etc. You rather to be the ”victim” instead of the ”guilty one”. Third kind are the ones that you tell yourself AND the person: ”Bad luck.” Just another attempt to cover up yours OR the persons failures. To keep you both away from feeling bad and useless. Well, the bottom line is, we all are will and gonna lie at least once. The issue is keep doing it to manipulate others AND make yourself believe (eventually) something that isn’t you. This is what a liar does. This is how a liar can ruin your life. Because you cant tell the difference, not always. Especially if they are good at it. Maybe to PROTECT, Maybe to MANIPULATE, Maybe to BELIEVE, But, ONE DAY, We will. Because thats what who humans are. In the end, We all lie for something, To hide away anything. However it can either save, Or shatter and break. Lies tell a story of another side, A another self that always hides. To be found from the sin, We must reveal our darkness within. Learn from the mistakes we do, To prevent another lie from you. For lying is the art of being a genius when you’re the only one who thinks that you’re right. So if you’re going to lie, be a damn good one, because the lie you told will come back to take it’s vengeance upon you.


Music By: Lucas King