Magic Reborn- The War

Magic Reborn- The War

In a time before humanity was corrupted. A time before their heathen sciences overturned and overthrew the ancients rights of magic. A time when man could commit feats only dreamed about, but a war of morality plague this earth. A war between the dominant mages and the uprising dictators and their empires of mage hunters. This war went on for years with no winner or end in sight. Until a man, stood and proclaimed enough. This man was a mage unlike any other. At the time of the final battle he stood and proceeded to try and quell both sides but alas set in mutual destruction they charged. The man let out a shout and a brilliant light enveloped the sky. Both sides stopped and stared awestruck. The man shouted out in a booming voice, power thrumming through the air, “if you cannot find peace in this world then let it exist no more! Let a better world take its place!” With that a shock wave of energy rippled across the land, tearing apart the earth. Mountains toppled oceans boiled away to nothing, entire nations plunged into the seas. The cataclysm was upon them, they pleaded for the man to stop but to no avail. A final wave of energy burst forward from the man causing everything in its path to crumble to dust. The man looked around and gazed upon the destruction he had caused and wept in sadness. The gift of magic was never meant to kill or harm. Never to oppress or destroy. Magic was a life giving energy, it was meant to create, to heal. Looking around on final time, he gazed upon the barren landscape and started to chant. A glowing light enveloping him and radiating outward, any land the light touched grew green with life, at last the light stopped the man no weak with fatigue stumble and collapsed to his knees with one final message for the lands and it inhabitants yet to come, “ashes to ashes, dust to dust, everything must come to and end to allow a new pure beginning. Do not take for granted this life the land will give you, for it is your last chance to get it right.” With that the man slowly crumbled into dust and scattered across the earth. The wind carrying him far.

Music By: Audio Machine